Friday, November 25, 2011

Ukrainian orthodox Greek-Catholic Church : An appeal to the European Parliament

According to the words of President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus, the laws within the EU are subject to constant and covert amendments. This process pursues unification of national legislation of the individual states. Those who sign the new laws know neither the cause nor the consequences of the amendments. An example is the Lisbon Treaty. All changes in the laws are based on a new ideology which is more dangerous than Nietzsche and Nazism or Marx and Communism. Nietzsche’s philosophy of the so-called superman, which was embodied in fascism, begot genocide of some ethnic groups in concentration camps and gas chambers. The philosophy of Marx, embodied in the Communist ideology, also claimed millions of lives – in gulags, concentration camps or during the artificial famine in Ukraine.

A far worse ideology than the two previous ones is the current ideology of so-called globalization with a hidden purpose of the reduction of mankind. Reduction ideologues say that population of one billion is quite enough on our planet and therefore it is necessary to exterminate 6 billion people.

God is the Lord of life and death. If one claims the right to decide about the life or death of another person or even if a certain group claims the right to decide about the existence or nonexistence of the planet, it is a crime against humanity. Natural “reduction of humanity” took place in the past due to various epidemics, such as the plague or cholera, which caused one town after another to die off. However, that reduction was not influenced by man.

What are the means of reduction of mankind today? Above all, efforts aimed at the establishment of one world government. Such government will then by means of already prepared modern technology establish total control over every human being as never in history. It concerns planned micro-chipping of every man. The first stage is implantation of the chip in private papers and then in the hand or forehead. The Bible warned against this branding with the number 666 – the number of Antichrist – 2000 years ago.

Another reductive tool is disintegration of the human mind. Nowadays the means of achieving it is, among other things, decadent music which literally washes human brain, kills human conscience and turns man into a medium of evil and violence. Modern psychologies, which transform the mind by presenting evil as good, have the same effect.

Another means of reduction is compulsory vaccination of children. Infected vaccines reduce immunity and cause various diseases as well as infertility, Down syndrome... Almost every mother is forced into abortion on the grounds of a potential mental disease or other defect of the child. So-called reforms of social aid for families are likewise intended to reduce the population. In some EU countries child allowances were cancelled for large families. The parents are thus pressured into accepting not more than one child.

When children reach school age, a system of demoralization and demonization is in store for them in the form of compulsory sexual antieducation. The theory of so-called tolerance teaches children not to resist the real evil and demoralization. Today, all who resist it are punished. Homosexuality, which is also one of the means of regulation, is imposed on children from 5 years of age.

Gender ideology hammers into the heads of small children that they are neither boys nor girls but can choose who they are. This attitude undermines their life stability and leads to schizophrenia. In many cases, a person is not able to assume the position of either a man or a woman even in adult age. For example, Australian passports now offer gender option ‘X’ for people who cannot decide who they are.

According to the new supranational juvenile justice system, parents can no longer give a good upbringing to their children. The so-called rights of children turn into a false idol. Parents are no longer allowed to warn their children against evil or inculcate good habits in them. On the contrary, the so-called right of children to information, for example, means that they must be allowed access to all perversions on the internet, starting with sexual perversion like zoophilia, sadomasochism, necrophilia... This so-called right is treated as good for the child, as a “free choice”. Pedagogy and universal morality, which are built on reality and not irreality, are thus denied. This is a planned crime of genocide of the future generation.

The so-called “fight against family violence” is in fact the cruellest violence against the family. In the new education system, in which the leading role is played by so-called psychologists, gender workers and homosexual or sexual activists, the parents who try to give their children a good upbringing are accused of violations of children’s rights and family violence. And today this is the main reason for removing the child from the parents. Legalization of forced removal of children from their parents who try to give them a good upbringing and love them – something like that has never been seen in human history. Moreover, these children will be preferentially given to perverted people, paedophiles and homosexuals. And this is called “international adoption”. Even the worst tyrants of mankind like Hitler, Pol Pot or others did not invent such perversions. These are crimes against humanity! It is a demonic ideology which is set against reason and conscience and degrades the relationships between people to the lowest level.

In addition, current law amendments legalize euthanasia. Young people who fall into depression as a result of immorality, pseudo culture, drugs or other destructive pressures can take the “easy way out” through so-called sweet death, euthanasia. In the Netherlands, youth over 16 years of age have a so-called legal right to assisted suicide without the knowledge of parents.

The so-called rights of sexual minorities (LGBTs) are the main line of EU legislation. In fact, it openly seeks to establish a homodictatorship. Children are demoralized and demonized by homosexuals and paedophiles through education and culture. The parents who defend them are punished by fines, deprivation of parental rights and even prison for so-called homophobia.

The fatal AIDS disease is spread mostly by homosexuals and drug addicts. Everyone who will want to introduce effective means against its spread will be punished as a homophobe. The paradox is that the so-called risk group – gays – receives huge international subsidies for the so-called fight against AIDS. Similarly, instead of a fight against drug addiction the process of legalization of drugs is taking place. Those who are “fighting” against it in accordance with the new anti-drug programs actually create favourable conditions for it and thus become its promoters. The result of homosexualism and drug addiction is the fatal AIDS disease and consequently the prospect of sweet death – euthanasia.

These shocking changes of views and consequently of the laws and social life took place in the last two decades. The roots of these deep psychological, spiritual and sociological changes reach back into the second half of the last century. At the time, the “psychologist” and paedophile Kinsey implemented so-called sex education, which includes psychological manipulation methods. That period also witnessed a boom in rock music which is rooted in satanic voodoo and is associated with violence, impurity, drug abuse and occultism. It soon swept the entire planet.
After the Second Vatican Council (1965), Christianity entered the path of its most rapid decline. It fully opened up to heresies which deny its essence, and through so-called reverence for pagan religions it embraced syncretism and lost the Spirit of Truth. Adoption of heresies and of the spirit of paganism resulted in the spread of homosexuality and paedophilia in the Church. Apostates seized the key positions in the Church. Freemasons, who promoted demoralization of society, were admitted into the Church and this spirit has seized power therein. The Vatican now openly promotes the goal of the Masons – one world currency, one government and one religion. By his gesture in Assisi, John Paul II opened the door to globalization of Christianity and paganism. This process culminated in his beatification and in the so-called jubilee of the spirit of Assisi this year. It was manifest adoption of New Age spirit into the Catholic Church and proclamation of one global religion. Phrases about peace and brotherhood only served the purpose of disguising the work of destruction.

Even many Protestant denominations have opened up to the spirit of the world coupled with homosexuality. In some churches they grant blessings to gay marriages and falsely declare that homosexuality is a gift from God. It is no gift from God but perversion and possession by an unclean spirit. There are pastors who openly live with their partners as a married couple. To justify their perverted lifestyle they invent new theologies which distort the Holy Scriptures. The Bible unequivocally terms it an abomination. Homosexual offences were severely punished by European legislation for almost 2000 years. The Catholic Church and some Protestant Churches have become tasteless salt and at the present time they are neither the light of the world nor the pillar of truth. And right on this formerly Christian territory the spirit of antichrist is spreading and bringing down a curse by promoting crimes against humanity and leading mankind not only to temporal death but also to eternal perdition in hell.

The inhabitants of the formerly Christian Europe face the question: Who is behind this genocidal system? There is a certain group of people who spread the ideology of death. Behind it is the spirit of lies and death, working through people who became its mediums, “because they did not receive the love of the truth” (2Thes 2:10). By adopting so-called amended legislation, present-day Europe adopts a programme of self-destruction. If the process of autogenocide is to be stopped, it is necessary to answer these essential questions:
1) Who is man and where does he come from?
2) What is the meaning and purpose of life?
3) The question of death.

Ad 1) Man is not just an animal; he contains within himself a spiritual principle which is immortal. This spiritual essence is created by God at the very moment of conception.

Ad 2) The purpose of human life is a decision to live a life of self-sacrificing love, and thus unite to God who is the Supreme Truth and Good. Deep in the human soul is the desire for happiness. St. Augustine expressed it: “You have made us for Yourself, O God, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” Happiness is not in hedonism, materialism, career, evil, injustice or sin. God placed basic moral and spiritual laws in the heart of man especially through conscience and the Ten Commandments. He who respects them is happy both here on earth and after death. God spoke to us through His Son Jesus Christ who took upon Himself our human nature, died on the cross for our sins and confirmed His Divinity by His Resurrection. All who give their sins to Jesus and receive Him as their personal Saviour and Lord have eternal life in Him even now. This is the essence of Christianity. Those who reject God and Jesus Christ persist in sin and are unhappy people. They turn into mediums of the spirit of lies and death. Unless they accept God’s offer of salvation in Christ, they will be eternally condemned.

Ad 3) The question of death

Common opinion of all nations and human cultures has always been that life does not end with death.

The soul of man united to the one true God here on earth shall live with Him in perfect happiness and joy for all eternity. However, the soul united to evil, lies and sin shall remain in a state of suffering even after death for all eternity.

Dear Members of the European Parliament, You, Your parents and grandparents were Christians, not Hindus or Muslims or Buddhists. European culture is based on Christian principles. Do not appeal to the present-day apostatical Vatican and the treacherous apostatical Church hierarchy. Follow the example of those who drew the true wisdom and strength from the Christian faith. Among them were French President Charles de Gaulle, German politician Konrad Adenauer, English politician St. Thomas Becket, Czech ruler St. Wenceslas and others.

Return to the Christian roots, on which European civilization was built.

Be brave and stand against the ideology of death which leads to self-destruction of Europe as well as of You.

Praying for You and blessing You,

+ Elijah


+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops

Lvov (Ukraine), 16 November 2011

Copies to:

- Presidents of the EU Member States, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus

- Mass media

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