Tuesday, October 11, 2011

“Christian” Masonry /letter to Bishop Job Pavlyshyn/

                                                                                                           Bishop Job Pavlyshyn
                                                                                                       Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate

Your Excellency,
on Sunday 2 October 2011 You celebrated Divine Liturgy in the Church of St. John the Evangelist in Ternopol. The Liturgy was attended by the so-called Knights of the International Sovereign Christian Military Order of St. Michael the Archangel. After the Liturgy You delivered a sermon which opened the ceremony of dubbing so-called Christian knights. The solemn ceremony was followed by conferring honours on men of dignity, including You.

Your Excellency, we would like to ask You if You are aware that this so-called Order of Knights has nothing to do with Christ or Christianity. This anti-Order promotes the spirit of antichrist and worships the same anti-god as the international semi-secret Masonic association. It is in fact an anti-Order of the fallen archangel Lucifer. Similarly, this refers to the anti-Order of Stanislaus, the Registered Cossacks or the élite Lions and Rotary Clubs.

At the present time the international semi-secret Masonic association is gaining ground even in Ukraine, focusing on persons of high rank in government or in the Church. The ideals of Masons and their satellite organizations are antichristian in essence. Those who undergo an initiation into Masonry, connected with the ritual of tapping on the shoulder with a sword, thus confess their subordination (the initiates kneel during the rite) to an organization which has another lord, not the Lord Jesus Christ. Such Christians automatically fall under God’s anathema – i.e. a curse and excommunication from the Church.

Your Excellency, You cannot justify Yourself by the bad example of the Bishop of the UGCC S. Mudryi OSBM, who assumed responsibility for an antichristian rite of initiation into the so-called Order of Stanislaus in the Ivano-Frankivsk (formerly Stanislaus) Cathedral. Neither can You follow the example of ex-Card. Husar and several ex-Bishops of the UGCC who committed a similar betrayal when they participated in the so-called restoration of the Registered Cossacks. It is no mere chance that in their efforts at globalization of the Churches in a single national Church this apostatical Catholic hierarchy want to include the Orthodox too.

The current laws in Ukraine are secretly being changed into antilaws. Gay ideology is being integrated into all spheres of society. The juvenile justice system, which will remove children from good families without reason and without trial, is in process of secret legalization. Many of these children will be given up for so-called international adoption to homosexuals or paedophiles. As testified by Italian Minister of the Interior R. Maroni, some of the children are even sold for organs. If in these times a Christian shepherd is silent on these crimes, he is betraying God and the nation and participating in these crimes against humanity which lead to the genocide of the nations. A true shepherd is obliged to stand up against these crimes even at the cost of persecution or loss of his position.

A bill is to be passed these days on so-called protection of public morality, which in its essence denies both divine and natural laws. It does not ensure protection of public morality but rather establishes antimorality. All current changes in legislation will result in elimination of spiritual and moral values. Their fruit is gradual genocide of the Ukrainian nation. It is a crime to receive honours from this spirit of death. These honours are not conferred for the building up of the kingdom of Christ but of the kingdom of antichrist.

What is the fruit and what is the reward? The fruit of these honours is a stumbling block for the little ones. As an Orthodox bishop, You confirm the dignitaries who likewise received the honours in deception. Because they are convinced that in terms of Christianity the so-called initiation in the church was a blessing for them and not a curse! By this action of Yours You took a new direction in Your Church, which leads to a betrayal of Christ and to internal decay of the Christian values. Unless You repent, there remains for You as a reward but the torment of hell for all eternity. The question is whether that gesture did not cause You, like the apostle Judas, to lose God’s grace.

Your Excellency, we believe that You were deceived. Therefore repent in public, and return or publicly dispose of the honours conferred on You. Make a public apology not only to the dignitaries but also to the priests, religious and common believers for directing them onto a way leading to eternal perdition.

                                                                     + Elijah
                                        Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

                                          + Methodius OSBMr           + Timothy OSBMr
                                                             Secretary Bishops

                                                                                                      Lvov, 5 October 2011

Copies to:
-         Bishops of the Orthodox Churches in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Bulgaria and in the Diaspora
-         Representatives of the Christian Churches in Ukraine
-         Mass media


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